Picture by Jeremy LeJyBy


UPDATE: the school is now public and free access

To make optimal use of space allotted to us, and to allow a wider public access, we have decided to open the summer school on programming languages to all, without previous inscription. Attendants are free to assist to a subset of lectures of their choosing. Also the program has been shrunk to fit on one day only, minimizing overlap with other events.

The Role of Programming Languages in Software Evolution

PL 2009 is the second summer school on Programming Languages, organized by the PLEIAD laboratory of the University of Chile, together with the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC).

Software evolution and maintenance are important problems of large and successful software systems. Up to 70% of project costs are dedicated to software evolution. Programming languages have a major role to play in this setting.

This summer school aims to lecture exciting and state-of-the-art topics on the ability of programming languages to ease evolution and maintenance of software systems in general.

The school follows a 2 day program in which lectures will be given by prominent researchers in the field. The first day is dedicated to introductory topics, while the second day treats current research.

The school is free of charge for participants, but there is a limited number of positions available. Full attendance to the two days is required. Also, due to the international profile of the lectures, good understanding of English is mandatory for all participants. More information on how to apply.

The school is co-located with the Chilean Computing Week (JCC 2009), taking place in Santiago de Chile, on November 9 and 10, 2009.

Important dates