Prof. [[|Oscar Nierstrasz]] are Dr. [[|Stéphane Ducasse]] visiting the Pleiad Lab from November 3 until end of December 2013 (Oscar) and from November 8 until November 15 (Stéphane). Oscar Nierstrasz is Professor of Computer Science at the Institute of Computer Science (IAM) of the University of Bern, where he founded the Software Composition Group in 1994. He is co-author of over 200 publications and co-author of the open-source books Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns and Pharo by Example. Stéphane Ducasse is scientific officer of INRIA Lille Nord Europe research center. Since September 2007, Stéphane is research director at INRIA Lille leading the RMoD Team. Stéphane is president of ESUG, the European Smalltalk User Group. Stéphane co-founded [[|Synectique]], a company that offers specific tools for Software analysis. Stéphane is one of the leaders of Pharo, a new and exciting dynamic language. On November 13, Pleiad Lab is organizing a working day to foster interaction between students (undergraduate & postgraduate) and researchers at the Department of Computer Science. The schedule of the day is the following: * **09:00** - Presentation by students of the DCC * **12:00** - Talk given by Stéphane titled "Pharo is yours". Abstract may be found below * **13:00** - Lunch * **14:30** - Talk given by Oscar titled "Agile Modeling". Abstract may be found below * **15:30** - Meeting with Researchers * **17:00** - Perspective and Future collaborations **Abstract of Oscar's talk**: In order to analyze software systems, it is necessary to model them. Static software models are commonly imported by parsing source code and related data. Unfortunately, building custom parsers for most programming languages is a non-trivial endeavour. This poses a major bottleneck for analyzing software systems programmed in languages for which importers do not already exist. Luckily, initial software models do not require detailed parsers, so it is possible to start analysis with a coarse-grained importer, which is then gradually refined. We survey a number of experimental techniques to rapidly construct models from code, and we summarize our current research efforts towards agile modeling. **Abstract of Stéphane's talk**: Pharo is a dynamic object-oriented programming language. Pharo's model and syntax are uniform, simple and expressive. These properties, when added to a powerful and flexible programming environment, regularly attract new developers. The community around Pharo has been steadily increasing over the years. This community is actively creating exciting and innovative software artifacts helping the development of advanced software systems. It offers open and object-oriented programming environments and libraries. In this talk we will show some of the success stories and show that you can get an impact by working with a strong and lively community. **List of presentations**: * Alejandro Infante about //memory profiling// (undergraduate) * Daniel Aviv Notario about //The GraphET chart drawing library// (undergraduate) * Ronie Salgado about //Roassal 3d, an agile framework for data 3d visualization// (undergraduate) * Pablo Estefo about //Comparing execution of unit test with TestSurgeon// and //Roassal on Amber// (engineer) * Milton Mamani about //Profiling and visualization solutions// (engineer) * Juan Pablo Sandoval about //Multi-dimensional profiling// (PhD Student) * Juraj Kubelka about //Human Centric Programming Environment// (PhD Student) * Ricardo Jacas (engineer) * Alexandre Bergel about //Object-centric profiling// (Researcher) * Esteban Allende about //Gradualtalk// (PhD student)