| {{:people:duckie_profile_small.jpg?nolink&200|Miguel Campusano}} |**Miguel Campusano** | [[mcampusa@dcc.uchile.cl]]|
|:::| //PhD Student in Computer Science//| [[http://www.twitter.com/m_kmpus|@m_kmpus]]|
|:::| [[http://www.uchile.cl|University of Chile]] | Beauchef 851, North Building, of.311 |
|:::| [[http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/|Computer Science Department (DCC)]] | Santiago, Chile |
|:::| [[http://rych.dcc.uchile.cl/| RyCh Lab]] | |
|:::| [[http://www.pleiad.cl/|PLEIAD Lab]] | |
===== Short Research Description =====
I'm a PhD Student of the University of Chile Computer Science Department. I started my studies in 2014. Upon graduating my computer engineering studies in early 2013, I began working in the software industry. As I developed web applications, I noticed a great number of useful tools with a high level of complexity. I want to make those tools more reachable for developers.
I entered the [[http://rych.dcc.uchile.cl|DCC robotics lab]] because I noticed how specially difficult this problem is in the robotic area. In this lab I'm researching with one big, general goal; make the programming of robots easier to developers and non-developers. To do that, I'm working on [[http://pleiad.cl/LRP|LRP]], a live programming language for robotics behavior.
===== Research Interests =====
* Software Engineering
* Robotics
* Live Programming
* Programming Languages
===== Resources =====
For publications, my online profile in [[https://scholar.google.cl/citations?user=E60f77gAAAAJ&hl=en|Google Scholar]].
Also, you can see videos of my work on my [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuItkiUJ_w6WC_93y-D_vFA|Youtube account]].
===== Products =====
In my PhD, I have developed several robotic softwares:
* [[ http://www.pleiad.cl/lrp | Live Robot Programming:]] Live programming language for the behavioral layer of robots
* [[ http://mcamp.github.io/VizRob | VizRob:]] Visualizations of nested state machines for robotic behaviors
* [[ http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~mcamp/NaoSocket | Nao Api:]] A [[https://www.ald.softbankrobotics.com/en/robots/nao|Nao]] api for Pharo
* [[ http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~mcamp/RoboticVisualization | Robotic Sensor Visualization:]] Visualization of several robotic sensors using Pharo ([[ http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7332424/ |paper]])
===== Organization and Teaching Experience =====
I am participating in the organization of a **robotic community** in the University of Chile as a founding member since 2016. In this community we bring together all the students in the university that are interested in robotics, specially from electrical, mechanical and computer engineer. We organize a student seminar where students talk about their work in robotics.
As a result of this community, we implemented a class in the University of Chile inspired by the MIT class [[http://duckietown.org|Duckietown]]. We adapted this class for 2nd year engineer students of Chile. We called [[http://www.duckietown.cl|Duckietown Chile]] (yep, we are not good at making up names).
===== Student Participation =====
I have participated in several conferences, helping as a student volunteer or in different activities:
* Student Volunteer:
* [[https://parasol.tamu.edu/isrr/isrr2017/|International Symposium on Robotic Research 2017]]
* [[http://www.esug.org/wiki/pier/Conferences/2014|22th International Smalltalk Conference]]
* Doctoral Events:
* [[https://parasol.tamu.edu/isrr/isrr2017/grants.php|Doctoral Consortium at the International Symposium on Robotic Research 2017]]
* [[http://icse2017.gatech.edu/?q=acm-src|ACM Student Research Competition at the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering ]]
===== Events =====
I have participated in several events, presenting not only my work, but also the work of my collegues of the RyCh lab.
* **12/2017:** Invited talk in Computer Science Summer School of Cochabamba 2017:
* I gave a talk about Software Engineering in Robotics and a tutorial about programming self-driven vehicles.
* **10/2017:** Robotics Week [[http://innovacionyrobotica.usm.cl/rweek| Link]]
* **06/2016:** VII Robotic Meeting Saint George School [[https://www.dcc.uchile.cl/dcc_participa_encuentro_robotica_saint_george| Link]]
* **04/2015:** Chile Robotics Day [[http://www.roboticsday.org| Link]]
* **10/2014:** 2ยบ Engineering and Science Festival [[http://festivalingenieriayciencias.cl/| Link]]