| {{:people:duckie_profile_small.jpg?nolink&200|Miguel Campusano}} |**Miguel Campusano** | [[mcampusa@dcc.uchile.cl]]| |:::| //PhD Student in Computer Science//| [[http://www.twitter.com/m_kmpus|@m_kmpus]]| |:::| [[http://www.uchile.cl|University of Chile]] | Beauchef 851, North Building, of.311 | |:::| [[http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/|Computer Science Department (DCC)]] | Santiago, Chile | |:::| [[http://rych.dcc.uchile.cl/| RyCh Lab]] | | |:::| [[http://www.pleiad.cl/|PLEIAD Lab]] | | ===== Short Research Description ===== I'm a PhD Student of the University of Chile Computer Science Department. I started my studies in 2014. Upon graduating my computer engineering studies in early 2013, I began working in the software industry. As I developed web applications, I noticed a great number of useful tools with a high level of complexity. I want to make those tools more reachable for developers. I entered the [[http://rych.dcc.uchile.cl|DCC robotics lab]] because I noticed how specially difficult this problem is in the robotic area. In this lab I'm researching with one big, general goal; make the programming of robots easier to developers and non-developers. To do that, I'm working on [[http://pleiad.cl/LRP|LRP]], a live programming language for robotics behavior. ===== Research Interests ===== * Software Engineering * Robotics * Live Programming * Programming Languages ===== Resources ===== For publications, my online profile in [[https://scholar.google.cl/citations?user=E60f77gAAAAJ&hl=en|Google Scholar]]. Also, you can see videos of my work on my [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuItkiUJ_w6WC_93y-D_vFA|Youtube account]]. ===== Products ===== In my PhD, I have developed several robotic softwares: * [[ http://www.pleiad.cl/lrp | Live Robot Programming:]] Live programming language for the behavioral layer of robots * [[ http://mcamp.github.io/VizRob | VizRob:]] Visualizations of nested state machines for robotic behaviors * [[ http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~mcamp/NaoSocket | Nao Api:]] A [[https://www.ald.softbankrobotics.com/en/robots/nao|Nao]] api for Pharo * [[ http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~mcamp/RoboticVisualization | Robotic Sensor Visualization:]] Visualization of several robotic sensors using Pharo ([[ http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7332424/ |paper]]) ===== Organization and Teaching Experience ===== I am participating in the organization of a **robotic community** in the University of Chile as a founding member since 2016. In this community we bring together all the students in the university that are interested in robotics, specially from electrical, mechanical and computer engineer. We organize a student seminar where students talk about their work in robotics. As a result of this community, we implemented a class in the University of Chile inspired by the MIT class [[http://duckietown.org|Duckietown]]. We adapted this class for 2nd year engineer students of Chile. We called [[http://www.duckietown.cl|Duckietown Chile]] (yep, we are not good at making up names). ===== Student Participation ===== I have participated in several conferences, helping as a student volunteer or in different activities: * Student Volunteer: * [[https://parasol.tamu.edu/isrr/isrr2017/|International Symposium on Robotic Research 2017]] * [[http://www.esug.org/wiki/pier/Conferences/2014|22th International Smalltalk Conference]] * Doctoral Events: * [[https://parasol.tamu.edu/isrr/isrr2017/grants.php|Doctoral Consortium at the International Symposium on Robotic Research 2017]] * [[http://icse2017.gatech.edu/?q=acm-src|ACM Student Research Competition at the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering ]] ===== Events ===== I have participated in several events, presenting not only my work, but also the work of my collegues of the RyCh lab. * **12/2017:** Invited talk in Computer Science Summer School of Cochabamba 2017: * I gave a talk about Software Engineering in Robotics and a tutorial about programming self-driven vehicles. * **10/2017:** Robotics Week [[http://innovacionyrobotica.usm.cl/rweek| Link]] * **06/2016:** VII Robotic Meeting Saint George School [[https://www.dcc.uchile.cl/dcc_participa_encuentro_robotica_saint_george| Link]] * **04/2015:** Chile Robotics Day [[http://www.roboticsday.org| Link]] * **10/2014:** 2ยบ Engineering and Science Festival [[http://festivalingenieriayciencias.cl/| Link]] //The following documents are included by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. //
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===== Additional Information ===== * **Competitive Programming:** I participated in the [[https://icpc.baylor.edu/|ACM-ICPC competitive programming competition]] from 2011 to 2015. In 2011, as a member of "los talentosos campesinos" (the talented peasants) team, we won the chilean competition. Then, as a couch, we won every chilean competition. Moreover, in 2012 and 2015 we classified to the world finals. In Chile, I was part of the organizing team of the First Chilean Training Camp of Competitive Programming ([[http://campamento2015.progcomp.cl/|ICPCCL'15]]). This camp was open for chilean students to prepare them for the upcoming ACM-ICPC competition.