====== Classloading Issues ====== All the classloading issues you may have should be solved using the [[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/svn/reflex/trunk/src/reflex/run/ReflexRunner.java|ReflexRunner]] class. This class runs your main class using the [[http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/lang/instrument/package-summary.html|java agent mode]] (this is part of the JVM since Java 5) which avoids the use of custom classloaders (like the one used by Reflex in the past). ====== My class is not being transformed ====== This kind of problem can be caused by many factors, but among the common ones you can find: * Using classes to be instrumented in Config classes, for example: SomeClass.class.getName() new SomeClass()