~~NOTOC~~ ====== Welcome! ====== The PLEIAD laboratory of the Computer Science Department ([[http://www.dcc.uchile.cl|DCC]]) of the [[http://www.uchile.cl|University of Chile]] ([[http://www.fcfm.uchile.cl|Faculty of Engineering]]) is a laboratory dedicated to research on new software development techniques.\\ PLEIAD stands for **Programming Languages and Environments for Intelligent, Adaptable and Distributed systems**. We explore how programming language constructs and environments can enable the development of evolvable and highly-adaptable software, particularly considering distributed computing.\\ A non-technical overview of our activities, created for the magazine of the [[http://www.dcc.uchile.cl|DCC]], is available [[articulo|in Spanish]] (original version) and [[articulo_translated|in English]] (translated from the original). \\ //([[http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~etanter/pleiad-birth/pleiad.html|want to know more?]])// ===== News ===== * The paper [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2011.12.004|Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Requirements Engineering: Experiences, Problems and Solutions]] by A. Zambrano, J. Fabry, and S. Gordillo is accepted in the Elsevier Journal Science of Computer Programming. * Alexandre Bergel is a featured [[http://ieonline.typepad.com/reviews/2012/02/featured-in-five-alexandre-bergel.html|ACM reviewer]] * Article "Object Centric Debugging", accepted as technical paper at ICSE'12 * Three papers of PLEIAD accepted at [[http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/FOAL/index-2012.shtml|FOAL 2012]]! "A Practical Monadic Aspect Weaver" (Figueroa/Tanter/Tabareau), "A Self-Replicating Algorithm to Flexibly Match Execution Traces" (Leger/Tanter), "Taming Aspects with Membranes" (Tanter/Tabareau/Douence). * A.Bergel got his regular FONDECYT project accepted. Period 2012 - 2014. * É. Tanter was given the [[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/_media/people/etanter/award-dcc2011.jpg|Best professor award]] (for undergrad teaching), Computer Science Dept, University of Chile, 2011 * ACM **Best Paper award** at [[http://ecs.victoria.ac.nz/Events/MODELS2011|MODELS 2011]] for “Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Design: Experiences in the Slot Machine Domain” by J. Fabry, A. Zambrano and S. Gordillo. * The project //ASPIRE: Assess, Visualize and Reengineer Software Engineering processes// with the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis has been [[http://www.conicyt.cl/573/articles-38387_resultados.pdf|accepted]] * A. Bergel is PC member of CibSE 2012, ICSOFT 2012, PPPJ 2012, GPCE 2012 * David Röthlisberger joined Pleiad as a postdoc. Welcome David! * [[news-history|More...]] ===== Research ===== Our research is situated at the intersection of Programming Languages and Paradigms, Distributed and Pervasive Computing, and Artificial Intelligence. The main focus is on Software Adaptation in a broad sense. More specifically, we are involved in [[research]] related to: * Computational reflection * Program transformations * Domain-specific languages * Aspect-oriented programming * Ambient-oriented programming * Distribution and concurrency * Biologically-inspired computing and AI * Software visualization * Code profiling * Software Engineering **Main software artifacts:** * [[http://pleiad.cl/aspectscript|AspectScript]]: an aspect-oriented extension of JavaScript for expressive AOP; integrates several state-of-the-art features related to higher-order programming and expressive scoping of aspects. * [[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/tod/|TOD]]: a practical omniscient debugger for Java, integrated into Eclipse * Scheme interpreters and executable semantics artifacts, exploring different facets of [[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/research/scope|scoping]] in programming language design, in particular for aspect- and context-oriented programming * [[Reflex]]: versatile kernel for multi-language AOP * [[http://www.moosetechnology.org/|Moose]]: an agile and open software analysis platform * [[http://hapao.dcc.uchile.cl|Hapao]]: a visual test coverage tool ===== Teaching ===== PLEIAD members are involved in teaching various courses. Course information can be found on the [[teaching]] page. Thesis proposals (Engineering and Masters), are on the [[thesis]] page.