
This is an old revision of the document!


You can download AspectScript from:


That includes:

   + aspectscript/ 
      + jsdefs.js --------------------// JavaScript AST definition.
      + jsparse.js -------------------// JavaScript parser. 
      + jsrewrite.js -----------------// Library for code instrumentation of JavaScript.
      + jst.php ----------------------// A small library for instrumenting code online.
      + paperExamples/
        + (examples)  ----------------// Examples presented in the paper.
      + tests/
        + --------------------// Script to execute the AspectScript tests. 
        + (tests)  -------------------// AspectScript tests.   
   + fw-testing.js -------------------// A JavaScript framework of testing for AspectScript.
   + js  -----------------------------// A binary (32 bits) for the JavaScript interpreter of Firefox. 

You can test AspectScript (or some variation of it) using its test suite. To test, you need a *Unix machine to execute the aspectscript/tests/ script. Currently, the test suite exposes 4 bugs:

  • test15.js: Unknown
  • test21-modifyingJPData.js: It is possible to change the join points structure.
  • testParser01.js: The parser incorrectly resolves compositions of the ternary expression.
  • testRee16-jpOrder: Order in the execution of join points.

You can use the AspectScript tutorial .

  • download.1253330540.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2009/09/25 16:01
  • (external edit)