
This is an old revision of the document!

Download AspectScript

You can download the standard AspectScript distribution from:

The zip file includes:

 + aspectscript/
    + aspectscript.js --------------// AspectScript runtime library. 
    + jsdefs.js --------------------// JavaScript AST nodes definitions.
    + jsparse.js -------------------// JavaScript parser. 
    + jsrewrite.js -----------------// Javascript transformer for AspectScript.
    + jst.php ----------------------// A small php for on-line instrumentation of code.
    + laucher.js -------------------// A small Javacript script for off-line instrumentation of code.
    + paperExamples/
      + (examples)  ----------------// Examples presented in the paper.
    + tests/
      + --------------------// Script to execute the AspectScript tests. 
      + (tests)  -------------------// AspectScript tests (lot of files).   
 + fw-testing.js -------------------// A small JavaScript testing framework for AspectScript.
 + js  -----------------------------// A binary (32 bits, *unix) of the TraceMonkey engine.

Test AspectScript

You can test AspectScript using its test suite. To test, you need a *Unix machine to execute the aspectscript/tests/ script (currently, 5 tests fails).

Try AspectScript!

You can use the AspectScript tutorial for further examples.

  • download.1256053632.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2009/10/20 15:47
  • by aspectscript