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examples [2009/09/02 20:09]
aspectscript created
examples [2010/05/12 01:28] (current)
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 ====== Examples ====== ====== Examples ======
 +This page presents all the examples of the "AspectScript: Expressive Aspects for the Web" AOSD'10 paper (see the [[publications]] page). 
 +In these examples, we implement a number of extra functionalities to [[http://www.facebook.com|Facebook]], a representative Web-2.0 application. For each case, an aspect-oriented solution with AspectScript enables a modular and straightforward specification.
 +  * [[examples/example1|A Simple Example]]. This simple example illustrates how to define and deploy a simple aspect.
 +  * [[examples/example2|Pointcuts: Matching Sequences]]. An example about how to match simple sequences using higher-order pointcuts in AspectScript.
 +  * [[examples/example3|Giving Life to Javascript Values]]. An example about how to introducing basic support for reactive values.
 +  * [[examples/example4|Access Control with Scoping Strategies]]. An example about how to introducing basic support for access control.
 +  * [[examples/example5|Identifying New Kinds of Events]]. An example about how to identify custom events in code.
  • examples.1251922166.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2009/09/25 16:01
  • (external edit)