
This is an old revision of the document!

Every day, mashup applications are more present. These applications are created with requests to several servers. Developers have to overcome the issue of creating wrong page due to unexpected order of executions of responses. For instance, consider a website that creates a web page from two requests. If the second response is executed before the first response, the web page is created incorrectly. Instead, the if the first response is executed before the second response, the web page is created correctly. The use of Fifo strategy can ensure the web page is always created correctly.

When the activate order is clicked, the web page always is created correctly. When the deactivate order is clicked, the web page can be created incorrectly.

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The implementation of the fifo strategy is:

  • otm/ordering_of_messages/fifo.1294414530.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2011/01/07 11:35
  • by aspectscript