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otm:the_matching_of_causal_sequences:example1 [2011/06/27 09:25]
otm:the_matching_of_causal_sequences:example1 [2012/02/06 23:22] (current)
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 ====== Analyzing Tweet Popularity ====== ====== Analyzing Tweet Popularity ======
-The following example shows two independent Web applications that constitute a social network application. A user can publish a tweet and this tweet can be retweeted by the other user because both users follow each other. A repeated tweet (the same string).+The following example shows two independent Web applications that constitute a social network application. A user can publish a tweet and this tweet can be retweeted by the other user because both users follow each other. A OTM distributed stateful aspect observes and counts each retweet of a user
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  • otm/the_matching_of_causal_sequences/example1.txt
  • Last modified: 2012/02/06 23:22
  • by aspectscript