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-**AspectScript** is a [[|JavaScript]] extension for Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) that currently supports [[|Mozilla Firefox]] (no plug-ins or add-ons required!). AspectScript is an aspect language that integrates with the characterizing features of JavaScript such as first-class and higher-order functions, dynamic typing, and prototype-based programming. AspectScript is based on the pointcut-advice mechanism and includes the followings state-of-the-art AOP features:+**AspectScript** is a [[|JavaScript]] extension for Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) that currently supports [[|Mozilla Firefox]], [[|Safari]], [[|Chrome]], and [[|Opera]] (no plug-ins or add-ons required!). AspectScript is an aspect language that integrates with the characterizing features of JavaScript such as first-class and higher-order functions, dynamic typing, and prototype-based programming. AspectScript is based on the pointcut-advice mechanism and includes the followings state-of-the-art AOP features:
   * **Higher-order aspects**: AspectScript is directly inspired by [[|AspectScheme]], in which aspects, pointcuts, and advices are first-class values. Consequently, they can be created and manipulated at runtime. An aspect in AspectScript is a pointcut-advice pair; pointcuts and advices are plain JavaScript functions. This feature allows programmers to use the full power of higher-order programming in AOP.   * **Higher-order aspects**: AspectScript is directly inspired by [[|AspectScheme]], in which aspects, pointcuts, and advices are first-class values. Consequently, they can be created and manipulated at runtime. An aspect in AspectScript is a pointcut-advice pair; pointcuts and advices are plain JavaScript functions. This feature allows programmers to use the full power of higher-order programming in AOP.
  • start.1256579021.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2009/10/26 17:43
  • by aspectscript