Inria International Chair - Malleable Proof Assistants [2025-2029]
ANID Project DFG220011 - Gradual Abstract Interpretation [2024-2026/co-investigator]
INRIA Équipe Associée GRAPA [2023-2025/lead]
Millenium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD), Associate Researcher [2023-2027]
FONDECYT Project 1190058 - Gradual Reasoning About Programs: Typing, Analysis, and Verification [2019-2022/lead]
Millenium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD), Associate Researcher [2018-2022]
INRIA Équipe Associée GECO [2018-2022/lead]
CONICYT REDES Project 170067 - CSEC: Certified Software Engineering in Coq [2018-2019/lead]
FONDECYT Project 1150017 - Gradual Software Verification: Foundations and Applications [2015-2018/lead]
INRIA Équipe Associée REAL [2013-2015/lead]
FONDECYT Project 1110051 - Modular and Adaptable Software without Losing Control [2011-2014/lead]
INRIA Équipe Associée RAPIDS [2010-2012/lead]
FONDECYT Project 1090083 - Engineering and Composition of Domain-Specific Aspect Languages [2009-2012/researcher]
STIC AmSud Project CoReA: Comprehension and Remodularization of Applications based on Aspects, Classboxes and Traits (09STIC02) [2009-2010/researcher]
INRIA-CONICYT Project CORDIAL [2008-2009/lead]
FONDECYT Project 11060493 - Modularization and Adaptation of Complex and Dynamic Software Systems [Oct.2006-Oct.2009/lead]
Latin American Network on Aspect-Oriented Software Development [2007-2009/lead]
Bilateral collaboration with the PROG lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel: ORION (Open Reflective Infrastructure for Open Networks) [2006-2007/lead]
Center for Web Research (
CWR) [PhD student 2002-2004, Postdoc 2005-2006, Young Researcher 2006-2007]
European Network of Excellence CoreGRID (WP3) [2005-2007/researcher]
Chile-Korea ITCC Project AOP for the Grid [2004-2006/lead]
INRIA-CONICYT Project OSCAR [2004-2006/researcher]
INRIA-CONICYT Project ProXiMoS [2002-2003/researcher]