Table of Contents

AspectJ Plugin


The AspectJ Plugin implements a subset of AspectJ based on SDF, Stratego, and Reflex. The main objective is to provide an extensible and lightweight implementation on AspectJ.

The AspectJ plugin works by transforming AspectJ programs into pure-Java versions using the Reflex library. Due to the complex nature of this transformation (imagine obtaining syntactically correct Java code and the correct order for statements), the plugin defines a series of stages to structure the process; and also a domain-specific language (DKLang: Declarative Kernel Language) as a target of the transformation (from this language Java code can be finally generated). The main advantages of having these elements are:

The full paper “A Lightweight and Extensible AspectJ Implementation” explaining the details and the motivations of the plugin can be found here.


The source of plugin and the extensions presented in the paper can be downloaded from the following subversion directory:


First of all, we thank Martin Bravenboer, Eelco Visser, and the Stratego project members for their support in the development of this plugin. Part of this work was developed during the visit of Rodolfo Toledo at Delft University, under the guidance of Martin Bravenboer.

The idea behind the plugin was conceived by Éric Tanter and Rodolfo Toledo. The plugin is maintained by Rodolfo Toledo.

Old AspectJ Plugin

If you are looking for the old version of the AspectJ plugin developed by Leonardo Rodriguez, please visit this page.