Pervasive Talks

Ciclo de Charlas Pervasive Computing 18 y 25 de abril, 2 y 9 de mayo de 2007

Fecha: Miércoles 18 y 25 de abril; 2 y 9 de mayo


Título: Context Dependent Adaptation; Pervasive computing: Applications and perspectives; Ambient-Oriented Programming; Ambient-Oriented Programming

Charlistas: Jorge Vallejos, Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Peter Barron, Trinity College Dublín; Jessie Dedecker, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Lugar: Auditorio del Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Chile. Av. Blanco Encalada Nº 2120, 3er piso.

Hora: De 12.00 a 13.30 horas

Poster: here

Resumen: Aprovechando la presencia de varios investigadores extranjeros en el área de Pervasive Computing, el Centro de Investigación de la Web y el Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación (DCC) de la Universidad de Chile tienen el agrado de invitar a estudiantes, académicos y egresados a un ciclo de charlas sobre programación de software para Pervasive Computing.

Context Dependent Adaptation

18 de Abril
Jorge Vallejos, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Implementing context-dependent behavior of pervasive computing applications puts a great burden on programmers: Devices need to continuously adapt not only to their own context, but also to the context of other devices they interact with. We present an approach that modularizes behavioral adaptations into roles. Role selection takes the context of all the devices involved in an interaction into account, ensures an unambiguous scope of adaptation even in the presence of concurrency, and protects the privacy of the devices.

Pervasive computing: Applications and perspectives

25 de Abril
Peter Barron, Trinity College Dublin
Jessie Dedecker, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pervasive computing is the idea of embedding technology and connectivity into everyday objects in such a way that it adds functionality to the environment in a useful and unobtrusive manner. We provide a general overview of the concept of pervasive computing (also known as ubiquitous computing or ambient intelligence), exploring the original motivations and technologies that have enabled it. We then focus on the broader issues facing pervasive computing in particular in middleware and application development. The talk will also explore the different application areas for pervasive computing.

Ambient-Oriented Programming

2 de Mayo
Jessie Dedecker, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Ambient-Oriented programming is a programming paradigm whose properties are derived from the characteristics of hardware platforms for mobile computing. Mobile hardware devices are often provided with wireless networks facilities, allowing them to engage in collaboration with their environment. However, the autonomous nature of these devices as well as the volatile connections over their wireless infrastructure has its repercussions on the software that employs them. This talk will also present AmbientTalk, a distributed programming language developed specifically for writing programs to be deployed on mobile ad hoc networks.

Stigmergy for Pervasive Computing

9 de Mayo
Peter Barron, Trinity College Dublin
This talk explores how a biologically-inspired approach can be used to develop pervasive computing environments. In particular, we look at how the natural phenomenon of stigmergy can be applied to pervasive computing to accomplish a highly decentralized method of organizing the components of such an environment.