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events [2012/10/25 20:20] – [Talks] jfabry | events [2013/11/11 18:14] (current) – etanter |
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===== Talks ===== | ===== Talks ===== |
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| * November 14, 2013: Jacques Noyé: JEScala, an exercise in integrating concurrent programming, object-oriented programming, aspect-oriented programming and event-based programming |
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| * November 7, 2013: Fabrice Le Fessant on OCaml: {{events:talks:ocaml-intro.pdf|General Introduction}} and presentation of the {{events:talks:ocaml-types.pdf|Type System}}. |
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| * November 6, 2013: Mei Nagappan on "Large Scale Studies of Mobile Apps in the Android and iOS Markets" |
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| * July 22, 2013: Walid Maalej on "Oktoberfest Engineering" - On the Socialness of Software" |
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| * November 12, 2012: James Swain on "Seeing the Futures: Profiling Shared-Memory Parallel Racket", paper presented at the Workshop on Functional High-Performance Computing (FHPC) 2012 |
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* October 1, 2012: Eric Bodden on "RefaFlex: Safer Refactorings for Reflective Java Programs" (Distinguished paper award at ISSTA 2012) | * October 1, 2012: Eric Bodden on "RefaFlex: Safer Refactorings for Reflective Java Programs" (Distinguished paper award at ISSTA 2012) |
* September 14, 2012: Stefan Hanenberg on {{events:talks:stefan-hce.pdf|Human-Centered Evaluation of Software Artefacts in Computer Science}} | * September 14, 2012: Stefan Hanenberg on {{events:talks:stefan-hce.pdf|Human-Centered Evaluation of Software Artefacts in Computer Science}} |
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* September 10th, 2010: Coen de Roover on [[|Program Querying with a SOUL: the Barista Tool Suite]] (ICSM 2011 paper) | * September 10th, 2012: Coen de Roover on [[|Program Querying with a SOUL: the Barista Tool Suite]] (ICSM 2011 paper) |
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* January 23rd, 2012: Andrian Marcus on "Text Retrieval Support for Concept Location in Software" | * January 23rd, 2012: Andrian Marcus on "Text Retrieval Support for Concept Location in Software" |
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* [[Events:talks:Pervasive Talks]], April 18th and 25th, May 2nd and 9th 2007: a cycle of talks on pervasive computing, organized by PLEIAD, DCC and CWR. | * [[Events:talks:Pervasive Talks]], April 18th and 25th, May 2nd and 9th 2007: a cycle of talks on pervasive computing, organized by PLEIAD, DCC and CWR. |
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===== Workshops/Schools ===== | ===== Workshops/Schools ===== |
* [[|DYLA 2012]] the sixth Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications, collocated with ECOOP'12, in Beijing. | * The [[events/workshops/SoftwareEngineering2013|Software Engineering Workshop]] will be held at the DCC, University of Chile, on November 13, 2013 |
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* [[|PL 2010]] the third summer school on Programming Languages, a one day event including presentations of recent programming languages like Scala and Groovy, and treatment of challenging issues like concurrent programming and embedded domain-specific languages. | * [[events/workshops/esecfse2013|Artifact Evaluation - ESEC/FSE 2013]] |
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* [[|PL 2009]] the second summer school on Programming Languages, a one-day event intended to provide interested students with an overview of some major topics and research issues, considering the role of programming languages in software evolution. | * [[|DYLA 2012]] the sixth Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications, collocated with ECOOP'12, in Beijing. |
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* [[|CASTA 2009]]: Workshop on Context-Aware Software Technology and Applications. Co-located with ESEC/FSE 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Recent developments in dynamic programming languages enable context awareness technically, but the application-oriented communities have had little opportunity to benefit from these insights. Vice versa, certain application requirements concerning context could probably be met better by specially-tailored programming and modeling techniques. This workshop attempts to bring together researchers from the disparate communities to exchange ideas, establish a common research program, and foster new collaborations. | * Programming Languages summer schools: [[|PL 2008]], [[|PL 2009]], [[|PL 2010]]. They provide interested students with an overview of some major topics and research issues in the area of programming languages, covering a wide range of programming paradigms, as well as challenges and techniques in language design, formalization and implementation. |
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*[[|DSAL workshop series]]: The DSAL workshop series is dedicated to the exploration of the area of domain-specific aspect languages, including language design, enabling technologies and composition issues. | *[[|DSAL workshop series]]: The DSAL workshop series is dedicated to the exploration of the area of domain-specific aspect languages, including language design, enabling technologies and composition issues. |
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* [[|PL 2008]]: This two-day school is intended to provide interested students with an overview of some major topics and research issues in the area of programming languages. It covers a wide range of programming paradigms, as well as challenges and techniques in language design, formalization and implementation. | |
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*[[events/workshops/laosd2008|2nd Workshop of the Latin-American Network on AOSD]] | *[[events/workshops/laosd2008|2nd Workshop of the Latin-American Network on AOSD]] |
*[[|BIC 2007]]: This one-week thematic workshop aims at gathering international researchers of renown and students interested in biologically-inspired computing in an interactive format propitious to exchange of ideas.\\ **[[|Online proceedings]]**. | *[[|BIC 2007]]: This one-week thematic workshop aims at gathering international researchers of renown and students interested in biologically-inspired computing in an interactive format propitious to exchange of ideas.\\ **[[|Online proceedings]]**. |
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*[[events:workshops:Orion]]: To close the ORION collaboration project with the PROG lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, a one-day workshop will be held at the DCC on November 12th, 2007. Several researchers from Brussels will be present and expose on their most recent research work. | *[[events:workshops:Orion]]: To close the ORION collaboration project with the PROG lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, a one-day workshop was held at the DCC on November 12th, 2007. Several researchers from Brussels were present and exposed on their most recent research work. |
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===== Others ===== | |
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* [[events:launch| Pleiad Launch at DCC]]: Presentation of the Pleiad lab to the Computer Science Department and to the community. | |