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people:fbanados [2014/05/22 16:13] fbanadospeople:fbanados [2016/10/01 21:55] (current) fbanados
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 +====== This page is out of date ======
 +Please go to [[https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~fbanados|https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~fbanados]] for my current website.
 +===== Old info (Archive) =====
  {{http://users.dcc.uchile.cl/~fbanados/late.jpg?200 }}  {{http://users.dcc.uchile.cl/~fbanados/late.jpg?200 }}
 |  **Felipe Bañados Schwerter**  || |  **Felipe Bañados Schwerter**  ||
-Master Student|  [[fbanadosATdcc.uchile.cl]]  |+PhD student|  [[fbanadosATcs.ubc.ca]]  
 +| [[http://www.cs.ubc.ca/cs-research/software-practices-lab|Software Practices Lab]] |  ICICS/CS Building Of. 308  | 
 +| [[http://www.cs.ubc.ca/|Department of Computer Science]] |  201-2366 Main Mall  | 
 +| [[http://www.ubc.ca/|The University of British Columbia]] |  Vancouver, BC.  Canada 
 +|  Previous contact information  ||
 | [[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/|PLEIAD Lab]] |  Blanco Encalada 2120, of 325  | | [[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/|PLEIAD Lab]] |  Blanco Encalada 2120, of 325  |
 | [[http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/|Computer Science Department (DCC)]] |  Santiago, Chile  | | [[http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/|Computer Science Department (DCC)]] |  Santiago, Chile  |
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 ===== About me ===== ===== About me =====
-After receiving a BESc. in Computer Science from the University of Chile in 2012, I started to work on my Master's Thesis advised by [[people:etanter|Dr. Éric Tanter]], on which I am currently working. +I am currently a PhD student at the [[https://www.cs.ubc.ca/cs-research/software-practices-lab|Software Practices Lab]] of the [[http://cs.ubc.ca/|Computer Science Department]] at [[http://www.ubc.ca|The University of British Columbia]].
-I also was a Visiting Scholar at the [[http://cs.ubc.ca/|Computer Science Department at UBC]], working with [[http://cs.ubc.ca/~rxg|Dr. Ron Garcia]]. Dr. Garcia is co-advisor of my Master's thesis. +
- +
-==== News ==== +
-From September 2014, I am a PhD student at the [[https://www.cs.ubc.ca/cs-research/software-practices-lab|Software Practices Lab]] of the [[http://cs.ubc.ca/|Computer Science Department]] at [[http://www.ubc.ca|The University of British Columbia]].+
-===== Research Abstract ===== +I graduated from the MSc in Computer Science program at the University of Chile in 2014, with a thesis advised by  
-//From my thesis proposal's abstract//+[[people:etanter|Dr. Éric Tanter]] and co-advised by [[http://cs.ubc.ca/~rxg|Dr. Ron Garcia]].  
 +I also received a BESc. in Computer Science and a Professional Title (Civil Engineer in Computing) from this same University.
-Type-and-effect or effect systems are kinds of type systems that also verify and guarantee side-effect invariants over programs. Examples of effect systems are exceptions or error handlingmemory updates and I/O. Generic type-and-effect systems generalize the common patterns among effect systems characterizing effects as 'privileges'. These systems allow static reasoning about a program'execution.+===== Master's thesis =====  
 +My thesis[[http://users.dcc.uchile.cl/~fbanados/thesis.pdf|Gradual Typing for Generic Type-and-Effect Systems]], is currently being processed for cataloging at the University of Chile'Library. After this process is due, an official link to the final version will be placed here.
-At the same timegradual type systems bridge the gap between the flexibility provided by dynamic languagesand the guarantees given by static type systems, allowing for a programmer-controlled migration between dynamic and static typing. However, these two programming language features have not been combined theoretically nor through an implementation.+**Language Note** : The University of Chile requires a title page and an abstract in Spanish. Don't worry**The full thesis is in English**except for the front page and pages i and iii.
-We propose the introduction of gradual typing for generic type-and-effect systems. Currently, static type-and-effect systems only allow a one-step migration which can be risky or costly in ongoing software projects. A gradual approach would ease these kind of migrations by giving programmers the flexibility to decide when and where to insert the required type annotations. 
 ===== Publications ===== ===== Publications =====