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 ===== Awards ===== ===== Awards =====
 ==== 2013 ==== ==== 2013 ====
-    * Microsoft Research Fellowship Award, granted by Microsoft Research, research.microsoft.com/en-us/collaboration/global/latam/fellows-latam.aspx (USA). +    * Microsoft Research Fellowship Award, granted by Microsoft Research (USA). 
-    * PhD fellowship, for ending thesis, granted by DCC, dcc.uchile.cl (Chile).  +    * PhD fellowship, for ending thesis, granted by DCC at University of Chile (Chile).  
-    * Recognized as salient graduate student by DCC, www.dcc.uchile.cl (Chile).+    * Recognized as salient graduate student by DCC at University of Chile (Chile).
 ==== 2011 ==== ==== 2011 ====
-    * Best paper award at 8th MSR conference, 2011.msrconf.org (ACM/IEEE conference).  +    * Best paper award at 8th MSR conference (ACM/IEEE conference).  
-    * Recognized as salient graduate student by DCC, www.dcc.uchile.cl (Chile).+    * Recognized as salient graduate student by DCC at University of Chile (Chile).
 ==== 2008 ==== ==== 2008 ====
-    * PhD fellowship granted by CONICYT, www.conicyt.cl (Chile).+    * PhD fellowship granted by CONICYT (Chile).
 ==== 2005 ==== ==== 2005 ====
-    * Academic excellence award for the 2005 academic year at Major University of San Simon, www.cs.umss.edu.bo (Bolivia) +    * Academic excellence award for the 2005 academic year at Major University of San Simon (Bolivia) 
 ==== 2004 ==== ==== 2004 ====
-    * Academic excellence award for the 2004 academic year at Major University of San Simon, www.cs.umss.edu.bo (Bolivia)+    * Academic excellence award for the 2004 academic year at Major University of San Simon (Bolivia)
 ==== 2000 ==== ==== 2000 ====
-    * Third place at the second Chemistry Olympics for High School Students, organized by the Major University of San Simon, www.cs.umss.edu.bo (Bolivia).+    * Third place at the second Chemistry Olympics for High School Students, organized by the Major University of San Simon (Bolivia).
 ===== Publications ===== ===== Publications =====