Victor Ramiro
Victor Ramiro
Master Student
Computer Science Department (DCC) Blanco Encalada 2120
University of Chile Santiago, Chile

About Me

My name is Victor Ramiro (yeah, Ramiro is my surname!), I'm studying at the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile. Currently I'm working on my Master Thesis promoted by Prof. Eric Tanter.

Short Research Description

We study a conceptual framework to plug proximity as a first-class concept in the AmbientTalk language. This means developers will be able to create and share different notions of proximity and evaluate them with the context information at the service discovery stage. The contribution of this work is to support a wide variety of proximity notions such that the device interactions can be scaled and tailored to the content of interest level.


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Teaching Assistant

I've been Teaching Assistant in the following Courses:

Introduction to Computer Science (CC10A)

Programming Languages (CC41A)

Data Communication (CC51C)

Design Seminar (SD20A)

Application Software Development (CC31B)

Organization of Events (Workshops, Schools)

  • Summer School on Programming Languages (PL 2008)

Other Stuff