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research:adi [2009/10/30 13:55] jfabryresearch:adi [2012/10/26 17:34] (current) – [AO Design in the Slot Machine Domain] jfabry
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 +One line of research within PLEIAD is the topic of Aspects, Dependencies and Interactions. [[people:jfabry|Johan]] has been co-organiser of the ADI workshops at ECOOP  [[http://www.aosd-europe.net/adi06/|06]]  [[http://www.aosd-europe.net/adi07/|07]] [[http://www.aosd-europe.net/adi08/|08]]
 +===== AO Requirements modeling in the Slot Machine Domain =====
 +We have studied the expressive capabilities for aspect interactions of selected AORE approaches.
 +Our first case study is the Slot Machine (SM) domain. This has been published as part of ACM SAC 2009 [1].
 +Below you will find links to 
 +the requirements for SMs and the output resulting from the application of two AORE approaches:
 +Theme/Doc [2] and Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns for Requirements Engineering [3].
 +The [[research:sm:reqs|complete requirements list]] is separate in its own page.
 +The [[research:sm:themedoc|application of Theme/Doc]] is separate in its own page.
 +The [[research:sm:mdsocre|application of MDSOCRE]] is separate in its own page.
 +[1] A. Zambrano, J. Fabry, G. Jacobson, and S. Gordillo. Expressing aspectual interactions in requirements engineering: experiences in the slot machine domain. In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2010), pages 2161–2168. ACM Press, 2010 ([[http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1774088.1774545|doi]] [[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/papers/2010/zambranoAl-sac2010.pdf|pdf]])
 +[2] E. Baniassad and S. Clarke. Theme: An approach for aspect-oriented analysis and
 +design. In ICSE ’04: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software
 +Engineering, pages 158–167, Washington, DC, USA, 2004. IEEE Computer Society
 +[3] A. Moreira, A. Rashid, and J. Araujo. Multi-dimensional separation of concerns
 +in requirements engineering. In Proc. 13th IEEE International Conference on
 +Requirements Engineering, pages 285–296, 29 Aug.–2 Sept. 2005.
 +===== AO Design in the Slot Machine Domain =====
 +In the Slot Machine domain, we also studied the expressive capabilities for aspect interactions of selected AO Design appraches: Theme/UML [1] and Motorola WEAVR [2]. The results of this study: [[http://pleiad.dcc.uchile.cl/papers/2011/fabryAl-models2011.pdf|"Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Design: Experiences in the Slot Machine Domain"]] have been published at [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24485-8_8|MODELS 2011]]. Most strikingly, we found that none of both approaches are suitable to express all kinds of aspect interactions we are faced with.
 +[1] S. Clarke, E. Baniassad: Aspect-Oriented Analysis and Design. The Theme Approach. Object Technology Series, Addison-Wesley, Boston, USA(2005)
 +[2] T. Cottenier, A. van den Berg, T. Elrad: Motorola weavr: Aspect and model- driven engineering. Journal of Object Technology 6(7), 51–88 (2007)
 +===== AspectMaps: A Scalable Visualization of Join Point Shadows =====
 +The implicit invocation mechanism of AOP introduces an additional layer of
 +complexity in the construction of a system. This can make it harder to
 +understand how base system and aspects interact and thus how the
 +system will behave. For example, when writing
 +pointcut definitions, it is not always clear for a developer where the
 +aspect will intervene in the base code.  This can then lead to
 +situations where the pointcut either captures too many join points
 +(false positives), or where certain join points that were intended to
 +be captured, are not (false negatives).  One variant of this problem
 +is the so-called //fragile pointcut problem// (Kellens et.al., ECOOP 2006).
 +AspectMaps is a software visualization tool built
 +to aid the understanding of aspect-oriented software systems. It provides a scalable visualization
 +of implicit invocation. AspectMaps visualizes selected join point
 +shadows (a.k.a. shadow points): locations in the source code that at
 +run-time produce a join point. AspectMaps visualizes the shadow points
 +where an aspect will execute, and if multiple aspects will execute,
 +the order in which they are specified to run. This results in a
 +visualization that clearly shows how aspects cross-cut the base code,
 +as well as how they interact at each join point. AspectMaps is a
 +scalable visualization mainly due to its use of selective structural
 +zooming. The structure of source code is shown at different levels of
 +granularity, as specified by the user.
 +More information on AspectMaps can be found [[research:software:aspectmaps|here]]
 +===== Aspect Coordination for Web Applications in Java and Ruby =====
 +This work is by [[people:azambrano|Arturo]] et.al., which extends previous work on coordinating aspect behavior at runtime. It  shows a scenario where aspect coordination is needed in the context of collaborative web applications.  It analyses the trade-offs derived from applying our coordination approach using two different platforms for the implementation of such applications: Java and Ruby.  Implementing aspect oriented systems in these platforms is substantially different.  These differences make it necessary to perform an in-depth analysis of each feature needed for aspect coordination, evaluating the abilities of each platform.
 +This work is reported in the paper with the same name, accepted at the [[http://jcc2009.usach.cl/?page_id=333|XXVIII Conferencia Internacional de la Sociedad Chilena de Ciencia de la Computación]]. The full version (10 pages) is available {{research:adi:scc09-javarubycoordination.pdf|here}}.