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research:plomo2 [2016/10/14 13:10] – [Achievements] mdenkerresearch:plomo2 [2016/10/14 13:19] (current) – [Achievements] mdenker
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 === Publications === === Publications ===
-  * Johan Fabry, Andy Kellens, Simon Denier, Stephane Ducasse -- AspectMaps: Extending Moose to Visualize AOP Software -- Science of Computer Programming, volume 79, number 1, pp.6-22, January 2014, Elsevier 
-  * Johan Fabry, Romain Robbes, Marcus Denker -- DIE: A Domain Specific Aspect Language for IDE Events -- Journal of Universal Computer Science, volume 20, number 2, pp.135-168, February 2014 
-  * Esteban Allende, Oscar Callaú, Johan Fabry, Éric Tanter, Marcus Denker -- Gradual Typing for Smalltalk -- Science of Computer Programming, volume 96, number 1, pp.52-69, December 2014, Elsevier 
-  * Benjamin Van Ryseghem, Stéphane Ducasse, Johan Fabry -- Seamless Composition and Reuse of Customizable User Interfaces with Spec -- Science of Computer Programming, volume 96, number 1, pp.34-51, December 2014, Elsevier 
-  * Alexandre Bergel, Sergio Maass, Stéphane Ducasse, Tudor Girba -- A Domain-Specific Language For Visualizing Software Dependencies as a Graph. Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT NIER) [[https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31543901/MyPapers/Berg14c-Graph.pdf|pdf]] 
-  * A book chapter about the Spec user interface description framework has been finished for a new Pharo Book. [[https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/PharoForTheEnterprise/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/Spec/Spec.pier.pdf|pdf]] 
-  * LinuxMag articles on Roassal and the Charter charting framwork. 
-  * Leonardo Humberto Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Nicolas Anquetil, Daniel Carlos Hovadick Félix, Alexandre Bergel, Anne Etien -- JSClassFinder: A Tool to Detect Class-like Structures in JavaScript. Proceedings of Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSOFT'15) 
-  * Miguel Campusano and Johan Fabry: "From Robots to Humans: Visualizations for Robot Sensor Data.” In the third IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2015), Sep 27-28, 2015 , IEEE press 
-  * Damien Cassou,  Stéphane Ducasse, Luc Fabresse, Johan Fabry, Sven Van Caekenberghe: Enterprise Pharo. This is the third volume of a series of books covering Pharo and its community. http://files.pharo.org/books/enterprisepharo/  
-=== Publications in preparation === 
-  * Book Agile Visualization: [[http://agilevisualization.com]]. The work on a book on Agile Visualization with Pharo and Roassal has been started. 
-  * Miguel Campusano and Johan Fabry: “ Live Robot Programming: The Language, its Implementation, and Robot API Independence” Submitted to  Elsevier journal Science of Computer Programming, September, 2015 
-  * "Identifying Classes in Legacy JavaScript Source Code” by Leonardo Humberto Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Alexandre Bergel,Nicolas Anquetil, and Anne Etien. To be submitted to TSE. 
 +  - Johan Fabry, Andy Kellens, Simon Denier, Stephane Ducasse. “AspectMaps: Extending Moose to Visualize AOP Software”. Science of Computer Programming, volume 79, number 1, pp.6-22, January 2014, Elsevier https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01086997
 +  - Johan Fabry, Romain Robbes, Marcus Denker. “DIE: A Domain Specific Aspect Language for IDE Events”. Journal of Universal Computer Science, volume 20, number 2, pp.135- 168, February 2014 https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00936376
 +  - Esteban Allende, Oscar Callau, Johan Fabry, E ́ric Tanter, Marcus Denker. “Gradual Typing for Smalltalk”. Science of Computer Programming, volume 96, number 1, pp.52- 69, December 2014, Elsevier https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00862815
 +  - Benjamin Van Ryseghem, Stephane Ducasse, Johan Fabry. “Seamless Composition and Reuse of Customizable User Interfaces with Spec”. Science of Computer Programming, volume 96, number 1, pp.34-51, December 2014, Elsevier https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00915350
 +  - Alexandre Bergel, Sergio Maass, Stephane Ducasse, Tudor Girba. “A Domain-Specific Language For Visualizing Software Dependencies as a Graph”. Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT NIER) https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01369700
 +  - Popular Article LinuxMag: Roassal and the Charter charting framework. http://www.gnulinuxmag.com
 +  - Miguel Campusano and Johan Fabry. “From Robots to Humans: Visualizations for Robot Sensor Data.” In the third IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VIS- SOFT 2015), Sep 27-28, 2015 , IEEE press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VISSOFT.2015.7332424
 +  - Damien Cassou, Stephane Ducasse, Luc Fabresse, Johan Fabry, Sven Van Caekenberghe: Enterprise Pharo. This is the third volume of a series of books covering Pharo and its community. http://files.pharo.org/books/enterprise-pharo/
 +  - Book: Alexandre Bergel, Agile Visualization: http://agilevisualization.com
 +  - Miguel Campusano and Johan Fabry: “Live Robot Programming: The Language, its Implementation, and Robot API Independence”. Science of Computer Programming, Elsevier. Received 8 September 2015, Revised 28 March 2016, Accepted 9 June 2016, Available online 17 June 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2016.06.002
 +  - Leonardo Humberto Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Nicolas Anquetil, Daniel Carlos Hovadick Flix, Alexandre Bergel, Anne Etien. “JSClassFinder: A Tool to Detect Class-like Structures in JavaScript”. Proceedings of Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSOFT’15) https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01369705
 +  - Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Marcus Denker, Alexandre Bergel, Yasett Acurana. “Dynamically Composing Collection Operations through Collection Promises’. In: Proceed- ings of IWST16. https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01358347
 +  - Ronie Salgado, Stephane Ducasse “Lowcode: Extending Pharo with C Types to Improve Performance”. In: Proceedings of IWST16. https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01353884
 +  - Johan Fabry and Stephen Sinclair: ”Interactive Visualizations for Testing Physics Engines in Robotics”. Proceedings of 4th IEEE working Conference on Software Visualization (Tool paper) 3-4 Oct 2016. IEEE Computer Society Press
 +  - Leonardo Humberto Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Alexandre Bergel, Nicolas Anquetil, and Anne Etien “Identifying Classes in Legacy JavaScript Source Code’ In submission to JSS
 +  -  Book in preparation about Spec. https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/view/Books/job/BuildingUIWithSpec/
 === Software artifacts === === Software artifacts ===
   * Pharo: Pharo3 has been released Spring 2014, http://pharo.org   * Pharo: Pharo3 has been released Spring 2014, http://pharo.org
 +  * Pharo: Pharo4 has been released Spring 2015. 
 +  * OSWindow has been integrated in Pharo4. 
 +  * Pharo: Pharo5 has been released Spring 2016, Pharo6 has seen active development with a release planned for early 2017. 
 +  * Reflectivity has been integrated in Pharo5 
 +  * Moose: Version 5.0 was released. http://moosetechnology.org 
 +  * Moose: Version 6.0 was released. 
 +  * Roassal2D: Fully based on Athens, the vector graphics support in Pharo 
 +  * Roassal3D: first version of a 3D version of Roassal. https://vimeo.com/141916068 
 +  * Woden: a 3D OpenGL graphic engine, the base of Roassal3D. 
 +  * Woden 2: a new 3D graphic engine for the next generation 3D frameworks (Metal3D, Vulcan3D), it is the base of the next generation of Roassal3D. [[http://goo.gl/RuW36E]] 
 +  * The lowcode subsystem has been realised http://goo.gl/jHjndl 
 +  * Improvement of FFI (Foreign Function Interface). Work on UFFI to use Lowcode. 
 +  * The Opal Compiler has been further improved. It has been extended with support for Slots / Layouts and is used as the basis for Lowcode.