This is an old revision of the document!



See the complete list of publications of lab members. For a list of publications filtered by author, we refer to the personal pages in the people section.


  • Scope: Scoping dynamic adaptations
  • ADI: Aspects, Dependencies and Interactions
  • TestCoverage: Test Coverage


  • TOD: TOD is a tool that helps understand a program's behavior by recording a trace of the events that occur during execution (method calls, object creation, field access…) and letting the user navigate in predefined and custom views of this trace.
  • Ghosts: A IDE tool extension for Java y Eclipse for supporting incremental programming through automatic and non-intrusive generation of code entities based on their usage.
  • Gradualtalk: A practical gradual type system for Smalltalk.
  • AspectMaps: A scalable visualization of Join Point Shadows.
  • AspectScript: An aspect language for Web programming.
  • Hapao: A test coverage tool using graphical visualization for Pharo
  • PHANtom: An aspect language for Pharo Smalltalk
  • Reflex: Reflex is a versatile kernel for multi-language AOP [not supported anymore]


  • PLOMO: INRIA Associated Team with the RMOD group in Lille. It is named after cerro El Plomo, the highest peak (5424 meters) that is visible from Santiago.
  • RAPIDS: INRIA Associate Team, with the ASCOLA group in Nantes. RAPIDS stands for Reasoning about Aspect-oriented Programs and securIty in Distributed Systems.
  • CoReA: Comprehension and Remodularization of Applications based on Aspects, Classboxes and Traits. Stic-AMSUD collaboration project between PLEIAD, LIFIA (UNLP, La Plata, Argentina) and RMOD (INRIA, Lille, France)
  • CORDIAL: Concurrency, Distribution and Interactions in Aspect Languages. INRIA/CONICYT collaboration project between PLEIAD and the OBASCO project from INRIA France.
  • ORION: Open Reflective Infrastructure for Open Networks. Jointly funded by the Flemish Government and the Center for Web Research as part of a general programme for bilateral scientific collaboration, the ORION project spans the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Universidad de Chile.
  • GridCOMP: a spin-off from the european CoreGRID Network of Excellence, this project aims at developing and experimenting new programming models for Grid Computing. The project involves both academic and industrial partners.