This is an old revision of the document!



See the complete list of publications of lab members. For a list of publications filtered by author, we refer to the personal pages in the people section.


  • ObSec: Declassification policies using type abstraction.
  • EffScript: Practical effects for Scala (customizable, polymorphic, and gradual).
  • LRP: Live Robot Programming is a live programming language for robot behaviors.
  • TOD: TOD is a tool that helps understand a program's behavior by recording a trace of the events that occur during execution (method calls, object creation, field access…) and letting the user navigate in predefined and custom views of this trace.
  • Ghosts: A IDE tool extension for Eclipse (Java) for supporting incremental programming through automatic and non-intrusive generation of code entities based on their usage; also available for Pharo Smalltalk.
  • Gradualtalk: A practical gradual type system for Pharo Smalltalk.
  • EffectiveAspects: A statically-typed purely functional model of pointcut/advice aspects. Computational effects are modeled using monads, which allows type-based reasoning and modular extensions to the aspect weaving semantics.
  • Effect Capabilities: an effective and flexible manner to control effects and their interferences. Capabilities can be selectively shared between modules to establish secure effect-centric coordinations.
  • Scoped adaptation: a number of projects related to scoping of adaptation (including execution levels for AOP, contextual values, etc.)
  • AspectMaps: A scalable visualization of Join Point Shadows.
  • AspectScript: An aspect language for Web programming.
  • Hapao: A test coverage tool using graphical visualization for Pharo
  • PHANtom: An aspect language for Pharo Smalltalk
  • AmbientTalk/Ros: An integration of AmbientTalk in ROS: the Robot Operating System.
  • Reflex: Reflex is a versatile kernel for multi-language AOP [not supported anymore]