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start [2024/06/19 11:59] etanterstart [2024/12/05 14:51] (current) etanter
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 ===== Recent News ===== ===== Recent News =====
 +  * {{bib>arquezAl-csf2025|Gradual Sensitivity Typing}} accepted at [[https://csf2025.ieee-security.org/|CSF 2025]]
 +  * {{bib>poiretAl-popl2025|All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Sort Polymorphism for Proof Assistants}} accepted at [[https://conf.researchr.org/home/POPL-2025|POPL 2025]]
 +  * {{bib>divincenzoAl-toplas2025|Gradual C0: Symbolic Execution for Gradual Verification}} accepted at [[https://dl.acm.org/journal/toplas|TOPLAS]], to be presented at [[https://conf.researchr.org/home/POPL-2025|POPL 2025]]
 +  * {{bib>yeAl-esop2025|Elucidating Type Conversions in SQL Engines}} accepted at [[https://etaps.org/2025/conferences/esop/|ESOP 2025]]
   * {{bib>malewskiAl-icfp2024|Gradual Indexed Inductive Types}} accepted at [[https://icfp24.sigplan.org/|ICFP 2024]]   * {{bib>malewskiAl-icfp2024|Gradual Indexed Inductive Types}} accepted at [[https://icfp24.sigplan.org/|ICFP 2024]]
-  * {{bib>toroAl-cacm2024|Gradual Differentially Private Programming}} to appear in [[https://cacm.acm.org/|Communications of the ACM]]+  * {{bib>toroAl-cacm2024|Gradual Differentially Private Programming}} published in [[https://cacm.acm.org/|Communications of the ACM]]
   * {{bib>andriciAl-popl2024|Securing Verified IO Programs Against Unverified Code in F*}} accepted at [[https://popl24.sigplan.org/|POPL 2024]]   * {{bib>andriciAl-popl2024|Securing Verified IO Programs Against Unverified Code in F*}} accepted at [[https://popl24.sigplan.org/|POPL 2024]]
   * 10-year Most Notable Paper Award at DLS 2023 for our DLS 2013 paper {{bib>allendeAl-dls2013|Cast Insertion Strategies for Gradually-Typed Objects}} (Allende, Fabry, Tanter)   * 10-year Most Notable Paper Award at DLS 2023 for our DLS 2013 paper {{bib>allendeAl-dls2013|Cast Insertion Strategies for Gradually-Typed Objects}} (Allende, Fabry, Tanter)
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   * New Inria Associate Team [[https://pleiad.github.io/grapa-website/|GRAPA]] (Gradual Proof Assistants) funded for 2023-2025   * New Inria Associate Team [[https://pleiad.github.io/grapa-website/|GRAPA]] (Gradual Proof Assistants) funded for 2023-2025
   * {{bib>toroAl-toplas2023|Contextual Linear Types for Differential Privacy}} appears in [[https://dl.acm.org/journal/toplas|TOPLAS]]   * {{bib>toroAl-toplas2023|Contextual Linear Types for Differential Privacy}} appears in [[https://dl.acm.org/journal/toplas|TOPLAS]]
-  * Éric Tanter is on the PC of [[http://conf.researchr.org/home/icfp-2023|ICFP 2023]] 
-  * Matías Toro is on the external PC of [[https://2023.splashcon.org/track/splash-2023-oopsla|OOPSLA 2023]] 
-  * [[people:elabrada|Elizabeth Labrada]] successfully defended her PhD thesis on Gradual System F 
-  * {{bib>maillardAl-icfp2022|A Reasonably Gradual Type Theory}} accepted at [[https://icfp22.sigplan.org/|ICFP 2022]] 
-  * {{bib>labradaAl-jacm2022|Gradual System F}} accepted in the [[https://dl.acm.org/journal/jacm|Journal of the ACM]] (supersedes our {{bib>toroAl-popl2019|POPL'19 paper}}) 
-  * Matías Toro is on the PC of [[http://conf.researchr.org/home/icfp-2022|ICFP 2022]] 
-  * Matías Toro joins Pleiad as Assistant Professor 
-  * {{bib>eremondiAl-icfp2022|Propositional Equality for Gradual Dependently Typed  Programming}} accepted at [[https://icfp22.sigplan.org/|ICFP 2022]] 
-  * Éric Tanter is on the PC of [[http://conf.researchr.org/home/POPL-2023|POPL 2023]] 
-  * {{bib>labradaAl-oopsla2022|Plausible Sealing for Gradual Parametricity}} accepted at [[https://2022.splashcon.org/track/splash-2022-oopsla|OOPSLA 2022]] 
-  * {{bib>lennonAl-toplas2022|Gradualizing the Calculus of Inductive Constructions}} accepted in [[https://dl.acm.org/journal/toplas|TOPLAS]] (June 2022), presented at [[https://popl22.sigplan.org|POPL 2022]] 
   * [[news-history|More...]]   * [[news-history|More...]]
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   * Damián Arquez, PhD student   * Damián Arquez, PhD student
   * [[people:tdiaz|Tomás Díaz]], PhD student   * [[people:tdiaz|Tomás Díaz]], PhD student
-  * Tomás Vallejos, MSc student+  * Gaspar Ricci, MSc student
   * José Luis Romero, MSc student   * José Luis Romero, MSc student