• Matías Toro joins Pleiad as Assistant Professor
  • Identifying Classes in Legacy JavaScript Code accepted at Journal of Software: Evolution and Process
  • Éric Tanter is member of the External Program Committee of OOPSLA 2017
  • Alexandre Bergel is Program Committee member of VISSOFT 2017
  • Éric Tanter is Program Committee member of SNAPL 2017
  • CuboidMatrix: Exploring Dynamic Structural Connections in Software Components using Space-Time Cube. (Schneider, Tymchuk, Salgado, Bergel) accepted at VISSOFT'16
  • Éric Tanter is Program Committee member of the 14th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2016)
  • Éric Tanter is Program Committee member of the 17th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP 2016)
  • Éric Tanter is External Program Committee member of OOPSLA 2016
  • Matías Toro successfully defended his MSc thesis! Congrats!!
  • Our EMSE paper “Understanding and addressing exhibitionism in Java empirical research about method accessibility” is in preview
  • Oscar Callaú successfully defended his PhD thesis! Congrats!!
  • Esteban Allende successfully defended his PhD thesis! Congrats!!
  • Paper on Does JavaScript Software Embrace Classes? (Humberto Silva, Ramos, Tulio Valente, Bergel, Anquetil) at 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (IEEE SANER '15)
  • Paper on GiLA: GitHub Label Analyzer (Canovas Izquierdo, Cosentino, Rolandi, Bergel, Cabot) at 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (IEEE SANER '15), Early Research Achievements (ERA)
  • Paper on Efficiently Identifying Object Production Sites (Infante, Bergel) at 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (IEEE SANER '15), Early Research Achievements (ERA)
  • Éric Tanter is PC member of the 30th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA 2015)
  • Paper Understanding and Addressing Exhibitionism in Java: Empirical Research about Method Visibility (Vidal, Bergel, Marcos, Andrés) accepted for publication in Empirical Software Engineering.
  • Alexandre Bergel is PC member of 22nd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2015)
  • Paper A Domain-Specific Language For Visualizing Software Dependencies as a Graph (Bergel, Maass, Ducasse, Gîrba) accepted at VISSOFT ERA
  • Éric Tanter is PC member of the 24th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2015)
  • Felipe Bañados successfully defended his MSc thesis! Congrats!!
  • Rodolfo Toledo successfully defended his PhD thesis! Congrats!!
  • Ismael Figueroa successfully defended his PhD thesis! Congrats!!
  • Éric Tanter is PC member of the 13th International Conference on Generative Programming (GPCE 2014)
  • Alex Bergel is PC member of CSMR-WCRE ERA 2014
  • Paper on Computational Contracts (Scholliers, Tanter, De Meuter) accepted for publication in Science of Computer Programming
  • Paper on Gradual Typing for Smalltalk (Allende, Callaú, Fabry, Tanter, Denker) accepted for publication in Science of Computer Programming
  • Ismael Figueroa won the ACM Student Research Competition at the AOSD 2013 conference, with his work on Taming Aspects with Monads and Membranes!
  • Paper on Parallel Actor Monitors (Scholliers, Tanter, De Meuter) accepted for publication in Science of Computer Programming.
  • LACCIR project “Studies and support of work fragmentation for software developers in small and medium size companies” accepted, 2013-2014 (Robbes, Gonzalez)
  • Two papers accepted at AOSD 2013: A Typed Monadic Embedding of Aspects (Tabareau, Figueroa, Tanter), and Secure and Modular Access Control with Aspects (Toledo, Tanter)
  • Alexandre Bergel is co-chair of the Artifact program at ESEC/FSE 2013
  • A. Bergel is part of the ECOOP 2013 program committee
  • Roassal and Object-centric debugger won the third and first place at the 9th Innovation Technology Awards (ESUG 2012)
  • Papers on the impact of types in practice accepted at ICPC 2012 and OOPSLA 2012
  • Article “Object Centric Debugging”, accepted as technical paper at ICSE'12
  • Three papers of PLEIAD accepted at FOAL 2012! “A Practical Monadic Aspect Weaver” (Figueroa/Tanter/Tabareau), “A Self-Replicating Algorithm to Flexibly Match Execution Traces” (Leger/Tanter), “Taming Aspects with Membranes” (Tanter/Tabareau/Douence).
  • A.Bergel got his regular FONDECYT project accepted. Period 2012 - 2014.
  • É. Tanter was given the Best professor award (for undergrad teaching), Computer Science Dept, University of Chile, 2011
  • ACM Best Paper award at MODELS 2011 for “Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Design: Experiences in the Slot Machine Domain” by J. Fabry, A. Zambrano and S. Gordillo.
  • The project ASPIRE: Assess, Visualize and Reengineer Software Engineering processes with the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis has been accepted
  • A. Bergel is PC member of CibSE 2012, ICSOFT 2012, PPPJ 2012, GPCE 2012
  • David Röthlisberger joined Pleiad as a postdoc. Welcome David!
  • R. Robbes is PC member of ICSM 2012 and ICPC 2012
  • É. Tanter is PC member of SAC 2012, FOAL 2012, and OOPSLA 2012
  • R. Robbes had a FONDECYT project accepted!
  • Article “Execution profiling blueprints”, accepted for publication in Software: Practice and Experience
  • R. Robbes will be chair of ICSM ERA 2013
  • R. Robbes is PC member of two ICSE tracks: Formal Tool Demos, and Informal Tool Demos and Posters
  • R. Robbes is PC member of MSR 2012 and CSMR 2012
  • R. Robbes will give a tutorial on Mining Software Repositories at ICSM 2011
  • Paper “Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Design: Experiences in the Slot Machine Domain” by J. Fabry, A. Zambrano and S. Gordillo was accepted at MODELS 2011
  • Tool demo: “Gaucho: Programming == Modeling” accepted at ECOOP 2011
  • Paper: “Enabling Program Comprehension through a Visual Object-focused Development Environment” accepted at VL/HCC 2011
  • Guillaume Pothier successfully defended his PhD thesis on making omniscient debugging practical
  • Paper on “First-Class State Change in Plaid” accepted at OOPSLA 2011
  • Our paper “How Developers Use the Dynamic Features of Programming Languages: the Case of Smalltalk” won the Best Paper Award MSR 2011!
  • Three (3!!!) papers of PLEIAD accepted at ECOOP 2011! “Gradual Typestate” (Wolff/Garcia/Tanter/Aldrich), “Summarized Trace Indexing and Querying for Scalable Back-in-Time Debugging” (Pothier/Tanter), and “Counting Messages as a Proxy for Average Execution Time in Pharo” (Bergel).
  • Postdoc position in software engineering at University of Chile in cooperation with INRIA
  • Our paper “AspectMaps: A scalable visualization of join point shadows” has been accepted at ICPC 2011. (AspectMaps page)
  • A. Bergel is a reviewer of the journal Science of Computer Programming
  • AspectMaps, a scalable visualization of join point shadows, version 1.0 has been released.
  • The first release of Hapao, a test coverage tool for Pharo, is now out.
  • É. Tanter has been promoted to Associate Professor.
  • PLOMO: The INRIA Equipe Associée between PLEIAD and RMOD (INRIA Lille) was accepted!
  • The FONDECYT project of É. Tanter, entitled “Modular and Adaptable Software without Losing Control” was accepted! (2011-2014).
  • The 2011 edition of the Dyla workshop will be collocated with TOOLS EUROPE.
  • Paper on Access Control for JavaScript accepted in IEEE Software!
  • Paper on Aspectizing Java Access Control accepted in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering!
  • Our paper “Software Systems as Cities: A Controlled Experiment” was accepted at ICSE 2011 ! (acceptance: 14%)
  • R. Robbes is reviewer for Springer's Journal of Automated Software Engineering and Elsevier's Science of Computer Programming
  • A. Bergel is reviewer of Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (November 2010). Editor: Gary T. Leavens
  • É. Tanter is PC member of the 10th ACM Intl Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE 2011)
  • A. Bergel is PC member of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods
  • Talk by Arturo Zambrano on Digital TV in Argentina and the implementation of the middleware for interactivity performed by his team. Slides available here.
  • Our paper “Language-Independent Clone Detection Applied to Plagiarism Detection” was accepted to SCAM 2010
  • Our paper “Recovering Inter-Project Dependencies in Software Ecosystems” has been accepted as a short paper to ASE 2010
  • FAMOOSr'10 will be held this year in Timisoara, Romania. A. Bergel is part of the program committee
  • É. Tanter is part of the Program Committee of the 10th ACM International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2011)
  • The code profiling visualization project has been elected by the Smalltalk community to receive a grant from Google.
  • É. Tanter is part of the Program Committee of the 6th ACM Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS 2010)
  • A. Bergel is part of the Program Committee of DSLRob 2010, the 1st International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and models for ROBotic systems (DSLRob 2010)
  • É. Tanter is part of the Program Committee of the 9th Workshop on the Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2010)
  • An aspect language for Web programming! check out AspectScript
  • R. Robbes joined PLEIAD.
  • We are organizing the second summer school on programming languages PL2009 at the JCCC 2009. The topic of this year is: The Role of Programming Languages in Software Evolution
  • M. Denker gave a talk to DCC: “An Instrument whose Music is Ideas. Smalltalk, eToys and the Idea of the Children's Machine” slides abstract
  • É. Tanter is part of the Program Committee of ECOOP 2010.
  • É. Tanter is part of the Program Committee of AOSD 2010.
  • Stic-AmSud project CoReA: Comprehension and Remodularization of Applications based on Aspects, Classboxes and Traits, approved.
  • INRIA/CONICYT Collaboration Project CORDIAL accepted (2008-2009)