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  • October 1, 2012: Eric Bodden on “RefaFlex: Safer Refactorings for Reflective Java Programs” (Distinguished paper award at ISSTA 2012)
  • January 23rd, 2012: Andrian Marcus on “Text Retrieval Support for Concept Location in Software”
  • November 23, 2010: Eric Bodden on “Aiding Static Analysis in the Presence of Reflection and Custom Class Loaders”
  • November 10, 2010: Eric Bodden on “Clara: Partially evaluating runtime monitors at compile time”
  • August 18, 2010: Arturo Zambrano on Digital TV in Argentina and the implementation of the middleware for interactivity performed by his team. Slides available here.
  • June 2, 2010: Tobias Kuhn on “Controlled English for Knowledge Representation”
  • June 23rd and 25th, 2009: Sebastian Gonzalez on Common Lisp. Part 1 and Part 2
  • June 24th, 2009: Sebastian Gonzalez on Ambience
  • May 26-27th, 2009: Jacques Noyé on Scala. Part 1 and Part 2
  • June 16th, 2008: Thomas Cleenewerck on Modularizing Language Constructs: A Reflective Approach and Implementing Languages With Plans for Growth

(source of the talk, unpublished paper on multiple invocations)

  • Pervasive Talks, April 18th and 25th, May 2nd and 9th 2007: a cycle of talks on pervasive computing, organized by PLEIAD, DCC and CWR.


  • DYLA 2012 the sixth Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications, collocated with ECOOP'12, in Beijing.
  • Programming Languages summer schools: PL 2008, PL 2009, PL 2010. They provide interested students with an overview of some major topics and research issues in the area of programming languages, covering a wide range of programming paradigms, as well as challenges and techniques in language design, formalization and implementation.
  • DSAL workshop series: The DSAL workshop series is dedicated to the exploration of the area of domain-specific aspect languages, including language design, enabling technologies and composition issues.
  • BIC 2007: This one-week thematic workshop aims at gathering international researchers of renown and students interested in biologically-inspired computing in an interactive format propitious to exchange of ideas.
    Online proceedings.
  • Orion: To close the ORION collaboration project with the PROG lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, a one-day workshop was held at the DCC on November 12th, 2007. Several researchers from Brussels were present and exposed on their most recent research work.